Aneignungen / Appropriations: welcome videos shot by people we don’t know

For pressing resasons – Golden Pudel Club and Park Fiction Archive under threat:

The freaks are alright – a continuous campaign for various reasons.

Hey investors! Who do you think you are, thinking you can just buy us?

Just think about precisely who you are challenging here. Do you really think you can take it on with a ticking parking meter? You are probably not even allowed to park your car here. Here, on our turf. Who exactly are we? Do we even exist? Are we a collective emerged in continuous arguments or a crafty bunch? Well, one thing is for certain, we are a lot, with a lot of and very diverse concerns – all individuals whilst being one. We are scruffy harbour dogs, we are here, we are Pudel, we are Park Fiction. We are also florists, Raumnehmer, we tank Esso and are always ready to come in Die Gänge! Our open and old car park is our castle, fortress, our spaceship, our wobbly lump of slime. Yes, the Pudel resembles something different to everyone and we know this: We exist and you (as an investor) are not allowed to park here. Whoever wants to buy us has to like Hundefutti. Whoever wants to eat us will most definitely get an upset stomach. You think you can suppress or buy proud freaks and replace them with one of your brands? No chance.

Hey! Here’s an idea. Why don’t you just stop by instead and get inspired or drunk whilst listening to free jazz. Then you’ll find out if it is possible to replace us. However, we still won’t accept credit cards. So come in and say hi!

The Golden Pudel Klub and everyone showing their solidarity in resisting against the impending shopping spree (the forced auction) will continue to fight in order to keep one of the last ‘open spaces’ in St. Pauli, as well as anywhere else, open. ‘The freaks are alright’ will be a continuous campaign.

We will do whatever it takes; from giant processions, art activations nation wide, possible sending-offs and various celebrations filled with confident, tasty FreakKassee.

We are scruffy harbor dogs, we are here, we are Pudel.

Lovely: „Bad Babe“ by „Streetlight“, performed in the Park:

Nice mood, stolen pictures, by Reyhan Kıpat:

After-Demo-Party: After Besiktas vs. St. Pauli Game, a spontaneous Demo of Ultras, Sozialromantiker and Carsi walked to the park – and danced in Solidarity with #occupygezi to the tunes of DJ Plazebo and Sebastian!

Supernice: CarlProduction.

Schabinggrad Ballett, Platz der unbilligen Lösungen, mit LampedusaHH, von Jana Baumgart:

Klobürstenprotest: Polizei umzingelt spontane Versammlung gegen Gefahrengebiete im Gezi Park Fiction, Januar oder Februar 2014

Schwitzender Dalmatiner auf der Palmeninsel von Jeffrey Beaumont:

50 Schnitte in 45 Sekunden: Durchs winterlich unwirtliche Hamburg in den schneebekrusteten Park Fiction – nochmal Jana Baumgart:

Nice everyday life of basketballers in the Park by Transições Urbanas:

Lego Star Wars Movie von Sidney (6), Stop-Motion, gefilmt auf den Park Fiction Stufen:
