Get the hell out of Kukutza!

Get the hell out of Kukutza!

Aus aktuellem Anlass haben wir zusammen mit zahlreichen Gruppen aus dem Recht auf Stadt Netzwerk diese Erklärung verfasst:

Get the hell out of Kukutza! Press release from Hamburg Right to the City groups against the eviction! (scroll down)

Unbedingt empfehlenswert und künstlerisch wertvoll ist das Video des Kukutza, kurz vor der Räumung gedreht, der Hammer:

Inzwischen sind in Bilbao Tausende auf den Straßen. Die zwei Hamburger Flo und Raffi wurden in Bilbao festgenommen und sitzen unter fadenscheinigen Begründungen in U-Haft. Dagegen (und gegen die Räumung des Zentrums) richtet sich eine Solidaritätsdemo am Montag, ab Uni-Campus.

In Stadtplanerkreisen gilt der Bilbao-Effekt, ausgehend vom dortigen Guggenheim Museum, als Maß aller Dinge, um mit Kulturgroßbauten Superzeichen für die „New built Gentrification“ zu setzen – die Hamburger Elbphilharmonie soll, Jahre später, denselben Effekt in der Hansestadt auslösen. Ein Bilbao-Effekt der anderen Art macht sich seit der Kukutza Räumung in Hamburg bemerkbar – eine spontane Solidemo richtete sich auch gegen hiesige Gentrifizierungsobjekte.

Get the hell out of Kukutza!

Solidarity Note against the eviction / from Hamburg Right to the City Network

We, the undersigned groups and initiatives from the Hamburg Right to the City Network, are disgusted and outraged about the eviction of the bask cultural centre Kukutza in Bilbao. The eviction has to be stopped right now, the buildings have to be returned to the people! Get the hell out there!

Right to the City fights against the capitalist domination of space and for selforganized spaces and affordable housing for everyone here in Hamburg. The government of our town has a different agenda. For them, Bilbao serves as a prime model for the neoliberal re-formatting of cities: the Guggenheim Bilbao is an often copied example for a policy, that works with shiny images serving and addressing the upper-few and their interests in a global competition rat race. The brutal flipside of this urban polishing becomes very visible with the eviction against Kukutza cultural centre. This eviction is not only mean, authoritarian and immoral, as it is an attack against a neighbourhood, an attack against collective self-organization, an attack on free expression – it is, on top of it, very stupid, as it is an attack against the production of culture, an attack on a vibrant platform of exchange, an attack on societies most valuable ressources.

In this respect, politicians in Hamburg had to learn a bitter lesson in the last two years: spaces like Centro Sociale, Rote Flora and Gaengeviertel, are needed, wanted, supported and loved by a growing number of city-dwellers. The same is true for Kukutza.

People know, that spaces like Kukutza are the places where the city’s future is being created. But we are not foolish: we will not get a just, social and exciting city for free and without struggles, and every one of our projects is endangered every day by attacks, cuddle-attacks, recuperations or brutal police action.

Politicians in Bilbao, in Spain, in Hamburg – politicians anywhere! Be warned: we have understood, that gentrification has become the one and only goal of your urban policy. We are aware, that you have started, in our cities, a top-down class war on all levels. But we can assure you: it’s us, who build these cities, it’s us, who reinvent them, it’s us, who make the city every day – and it is us, who increasingly fight your shiny concepts, your marketing agencies, your faked participations, your brutal police attacks, your lack of answers, your hollow culture, your empty promises.

The dance has begun, and we are getting more every day. Because we have no choice. Because you leave us no choice, but to fight you.

Park Fiction


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