Park Fiction – Desires Will Leave the House and Take to the Streets

16 mm blow up from Super 8 /
texts, collages, backdrop painting: Christoph Schäfer
camera: Martin Gressmann, Margit Czenki
music/sound collage:
Park Fiction – Desires Will Leave the House and Take to the Streets

16 mm blow up from Super 8 /
texts, collages, backdrop painting: Christoph Schäfer
camera: Martin Gressmann, Margit Czenki
music/sound collage: Ted Gaier, Schorsch Kamerun
Park Fiction activists, the clever Hafenrand-Club and Schorsch Kamerun as a salesman.
Margit Czenki shows the clever struggle of a small group, carried out from a seemingly inferior position. In bright colours she shows the glamorous ideas for a park at the banks of Hamburg’s harbour, that St. Paulians achieved against a big corporate housing project. A filmcollage about a park that doesn’t exist yet; about art & politics, about nomadic warfare and about radiant desires. About the city – and what it could be. About very different people and the power of a group that produces ideas and works together over a longer period of time.
Park Fiction, a public-art-project and a stage for the wishes of a community: a turkish girl designs a youth-café with letterboxes for teenagers whose letters are controlled by their parents. A russian couple want an Avenue of Friendship, lined by rosebushes. And a woman reads park-poetry in her freshly painted flat.
The filmcollage juxtaposes documentary and narrative elements. It is structured by a strain on Parks & Politics – on gardens and their ideological backgrounds. Filmed on Super 8 in Marrakech, Coney Island and St. Pauli, Park Fiction was blown up to 16mm with an outdated trick-camera, later combined with videofootage, drawings, suggestive collages and photos from the wishproduction. There is no original sound. The Imagecollage is juxtaposed with an independent soundcollage: czech pop songs, Los Ninos del Parque and Eissler-samples. The soundtrack is by Ted Gaier and Schorsch Kamerun.
Park Fiction …desire will leave home and take to the streets
61min/ 16mm blow up from Super 8, transferred to DVD
written and directed by Margit Czenki
texts, collages, backdrop painting: Christoph Schäfer
camera: Martin Gressmann, Margit Czenki
edit: Margit Czenki, Judith Lewis
music/sound collage: Ted Gaier, Schorsch Kamerun
sound: Kay Engelhardt
atmos: Wolfgang Schukrafft
fotos: Marily Stroux, Hinrich Schulze
teagardencollage: Linda McCue
swimming animals: Daniel Richter
„Elbe hören und dann“-drawings Andreas Siekmann
production: Peter Stockhaus
Copy on ORWO-Material at Barrandov / Prag
Park Fiction activists, the clever Hafenrand-Club, Eric Boateng, Simone Borgstede, Katrin Bredemeier, Renée Cura, Zina Dimitrioux, Bernd Ehemann, Sanah Masoud, Kudret Mike, Leonid Rossine, Christoph Schäfer, Ellen Schmeißer, Andreas Siekmann, Sabine Stövesand, Canan Topel, Annette Wehrmann u.v.a. and Schorsch Kamerun as salesman.
Park Fiction activists, the clever Hafenrand-Club and Schorsch Kamerun as a salesman.
Park Fiction, a public-art-project and a stage for the wishes of a community: a turkish girl designs a youth-café with letterboxes for teenagers whose letters are controlled by their parents. A russian couple want an Avenue of Friendship, lined by rosebushes. And a woman reads park-poetry in her freshly painted flat.
The filmcollage juxtaposes documentary and narrative elements. It is structured by a strain on Parks & Politics – on gardens and their ideological backgrounds. Filmed on Super 8 in Marrakech, Coney Island and St. Pauli, Park Fiction was blown up to 16mm with an outdated trick-camera, later combined with videofootage, drawings, suggestive collages and photos from the wishproduction. There is no original sound. The Imagecollage is juxtaposed with an independent soundcollage: czech pop songs, Los Ninos del Parque and Eissler-samples. The soundtrack is by Ted Gaier and Schorsch Kamerun.
Park Fiction …desire will leave home and take to the streets
61min/ 16mm blow up from Super 8, transferred to DVD
written and directed by Margit Czenki
texts, collages, backdrop painting: Christoph Schäfer
camera: Martin Gressmann, Margit Czenki
edit: Margit Czenki, Judith Lewis
music/sound collage: Ted Gaier, Schorsch Kamerun
sound: Kay Engelhardt
atmos: Wolfgang Schukrafft
fotos: Marily Stroux, Hinrich Schulze
teagardencollage: Linda McCue
swimming animals: Daniel Richter
„Elbe hören und dann“-drawings Andreas Siekmann
production: Peter Stockhaus
Copy on ORWO-Material at Barrandov / Prag
Park Fiction activists, the clever Hafenrand-Club, Eric Boateng, Simone Borgstede, Katrin Bredemeier, Renée Cura, Zina Dimitrioux, Bernd Ehemann, Sanah Masoud, Kudret Mike, Leonid Rossine, Christoph Schäfer, Ellen Schmeißer, Andreas Siekmann, Sabine Stövesand, Canan Topel, Annette Wehrmann u.v.a. and Schorsch Kamerun as salesman.