In July 2013 Yedikule Bostans were destroyed and filled with rubble. Together with Park Fiction St. Pauli members we want to exchange ideas, how the bostans could be reclaimed and how a collective planning process in the neighbourhood could be organized.
Park Fiction, today a park at the harbour in Hamburg, was struggled for and realized in a unique way: Instead of just protesting the plans of the municipality (who wanted to sell the land and build a corporate block), residents teamed up with artists, musicians, squatters and architects. Starting in 1994, they developed their own planning tools, a collective desiring-production and organzed a radically bottom-up planning process. Eventually the municipality was forced to adapt Park Fictions playful way of planning, and the Park was realized. When Gezi Park was evicted by the police on June 15, residents from Hamburgs district St. Pauli renamed their Park „Gezi Park Fiction“ 18 hours later.
Two members of the Park Fiction Komitee, Margit Czenki and Christoph Schäfer will show images and talk about the park, their methods and the process, with special attention to what they believe might be useful in the context of protecting, reclaiming and redefining the recently destroyed Bostans in Yedikule.
Thursday, September 19, 20:00 @
Galata Fotografhanesi, Serdari Ekrem caddesi, Hoca Ali sokak, no: 15A Galata Beyoglu
Gezi Park Fiction St. Pauli
Yedikule Bostanlari Girisimi