Let’s eat something together. Friday June 14 from 5pm
70 refugees sleep at night in the St. Pauli Church. Let’s invite our new neighbours to a barbecue. So that we get to know each other. In an…
70 refugees sleep at night in the St. Pauli Church. Let’s invite our new neighbours to a barbecue. So that we get to know each other. In an…
Support #occupygezi Park Fiction Comitee, June 8., 2013 Some of us have been to Istanbul in the last months. We know the long list of „Transformation Projects“ that…
Oh no! Park Fiction is now on facebook. http://www.facebook.com/parkfiction
Art and Social Change Reader – 27.03.2012 – 09:10 The „Art and Social Change“ Reader, edited by Charles Esche and Will Bradle for the Van Abbe Museum Exhibition,…
Get the hell out of Kukutza! – 23.09.2011 – 12:27 Aus aktuellem Anlass haben wir zusammen mit zahlreichen Gruppen aus dem Recht auf Stadt Netzwerk diese Erklärung verfasst:…
Interesting Videos against Gentrification from the last 2 years in Hamburg: Komm in die Gänge, No BNQ, Recht auf Stadt Bewegung: Gentrification Rumble with Bentolove June 2009 (6…
Park Fiction @ Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh The Park Fiction Institute of Independent Urbanism Travel Kit at the Regina Gouger Miller Gallery / Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, USA.…
Park Fiction Gartenbibliothek Park Fiction Archiv – 25.10.2010 – 14:44 Hier gelangen Sie zu einer Liste aller derzeit in der Park Fiction Gartenbibliothek vorhandenen Titel. Bei uns finden…
Towards a „modern“ genealogy of the many Marco Scotini – 02.05.2010 – 08:52 „With the socialist frame lacking, and given, at this point, a totally transformed productive regime…
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